Millbrook Healthcare

Caring about the vulnerable

For over 30 years, Millbrook Healthcare has supported the needs of the vulnerable in society. We provide services to create safe home environments on behalf of UK local government and the NHS to meet social care needs.


We deliver, install and maintain medical equipment into people’s homes (such as electric beds, pressure care mattresses and mobility aids) for people being discharged from hospital, or for people to stay at home rather than go into hospital or a care facility. We make adaptions to houses (such as stair lifts, grab rails and walk-in showers) and we are the UK leading provider of Technology Enabled Care (“TEC”). TEC utilises alarms, sensors and telephony to support people living independently at home, identify any needs for early medical intervention and mitigate the need for expensive care packages.


The advanced and effective care solutions we provide can have a transformative effect in enabling people to live better, safer, more fulfilled and independent lives.


We care about our service users, their safety and families who may be going through a difficult time when we provide our services. We understand that the best service comes from listening to our service users while working in partnership with our local government customers. Our company culture means that we are individually committed to getting our service delivery to be best in class.


Increasingly, we are working as a strategic partner to Local Authorities to help reduce the financial pressure on social care budgets, often with a “TEC first” approach to the provision of social care, whilst improving health outcomes.

Millbrook Healthcare. We care.


Latest News

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FY24 Financial Statements

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Our Services

The Millbrook Healthcare group provides Community Equipment Services, Technology Enabled Care (through our subsidiary, Livity Life), Home Services and healthcare equipment (through our subsidiary Ultimate Healthcare) on behalf of the NHS and local authorities.

Equipment Services

Enabled Care



Our Online

Who we work with

Local Authorities

We provide our services to our communities in accordance with contracts with Local Government – usually Local Authorities – that specify the services to be provided, performance standards and payment for our work. A defining feature of our culture is to listen to, and partner with, our Local Authority customers.


We want to make it as easy as possible for prescribers to work with us and deliver the care that your clients need. We recognise that with the ever-increasing demands on your time, you need an efficient and easy-to-use ordering system and worry-free, on-time delivery of the equipment and care you have requested. 

Do I qualify for VAT Exemption?

If you are disabled or have a long-term illness, you won’t be charged VAT on products designed or adapted for your own personal or domestic use.


If you are entitled to a VAT exemption, you can register for this at checkout. The VAT will then be removed form your total. If you are unsure whether you are entitled or not, please read our VAT Exemption Terms & Conditions.