Equipment Return
How to return NHS equipment
Millions of pounds worth of NHS community equipment are thrown away each year by people who no longer have a need for it.
This means that we can’t recycle it and issue it out to other members of your community, who may need it to maintain their independence, or to help them stay in their home instead of being admitted to hospital or care homes.
It also means that the NHS, or your local council, has to spend even more money to replace discarded equipment with new, and/or pay for more expensive care packages, such as a stay in hospital.
We all know that the NHS needs every penny, so, please help them and us, by letting us know when you have a piece of equipment that you don’t need any more.
Just call the number on the barcode label on your equipment and your local customer service team will be happy to help. We will either arrange to collect it from you, or tell you where you can drop it off.
If your label is faded, or missing, click through to your local service centre contact page or send us an email.
Thank you for making a difference.